viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Reflections at the end of the course

In college, I could really learn English. I come from a Puente alto school, where English classes were really bad. the teachers did not even have an interest in Teaching, they just spent the hour making us understand how bad we were for that. We were in our last course, and we were still seeing the verb to be. As anecdote I can tell how a group of classmates passed the course giving a bottle of rum to the teacher. I do not count this to despise my classmates, they were my friends, I say it because it shows that this teacher had no interest in teaching us English. 

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In college I started attending English classes from the "strated course", the first of all the courses. Since I started I could start to speak and write better English. In relation to this, the  experience of blogs has been crucial. Writing bloggs post I was able to begin to practice writing in English.  

One aspect that caught my attention was that in the most basic English courses, I found students who came from very bad schools, at same like me. In fact, Most of them came from the periphery of Santiago. In this sense, I think that speaking English well or not is a phenomenon that is related to social inequality.

I still have to improve my pronunciation, and writing in English. To achieve this goal, I plan to listen to music and watch series, and when I hear a word I do not know, I will write sentences with them and repeat it again and again. In this way, I expand my vocabulary and improve my writing and pronunciation. 

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Resultado de imagen para listen music in english

I currently use English mainly to joke with my friends, especially when I speak with César, who has a great sense of humor. We always talk about our everyday things in English, it's fun. On the other hand, ultimate also I have used it to be able to explain to my mother what certain songs mean, and to try to understand academic texts of American universities.In relation this,  I would like to learn more English to read papers and learn more about certain topics that interest me.

Two necessary courses

Throughout my university years I have had to take many theoretical courses related to various subjects, such as, for example, territory, gender, social justice, comtemporaneous history, research, public policies, among others. Although these could be very interesting discussions, there were many gaps in how we were going to apply these knowledge once we had to enter the world of work.

Actually, this problem I would like the social work career to include two more courses. one related to the formulation of social projects, and another related to the use of technologies for social research.

In the case of the first course, students should be taught, not only the theoretical guidelines that guide the intervention, but also how to formulate a project, that is, understand what stages this contemplates, which is what is sought in each of these, and what aspects are necessary to consider for the projects to be included in public policy. In this sense, it would be key to practice with different projects to be able to estimate the main advantages and disadvantages that these should face.

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In the case of the second course, students could learn to use technologies that facilitate the exercise of social research. In this sense, learning to use a tape recorder, a camera, or social networks, is fundamental, because during our practices we have had to use these without knowing much how they work. This course would be very useful, for example to teach students to transcribe interviews, to facilitate programs, or techniques that make the work much easier.

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Finally, I believe that these two courses would make it easier to carry out the theoretical courses with the work we will do in the future. The university has the tools and materials (recorders, cameras, computers) to make them, you just need to develop the work plan

What happen with the young people who breaks the law

In the last time in Chile the perception about juvenile delinquency has been on the rise (Sépulveda & Metiffogo, 2015). That situation has generate the feeling of public insecurity in the population, and increase the prejudices about yonug people.

The One of the most popular explications for this phenomenons have relation whit to associate the responsibility of these problems only to the individuals, as if the occurrence of the problem or not depended only on them. In relation to this Viscarddi (2007) postulates that it is ignored that the life of these young people has been affected by various social problems, which in some way made it possible for them to commit a crime.

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According to Sepulveda and Metifoggo (2015), these problems can be the violence of the homes, the permanence in places of protection of the childhood, (SENAME) the scholastic failure (Rpetir of course or to leave school), the drug consumption from children, between other problems. Many times these problems do not act separately, but are related to each other making the problem in question something much more complex.

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This type of situations mentioned above can be understood as bifurcations (Bidart, 2006), in the sense that they represent a before and after in the life of the young, that is, their occurrence determines that they begin a criminal career

This year I work in jails and can realize that the lives of the people who are behind bars had to face these problems. This situation speaks of how unequal our country is, to the point that in the same city you can live such different lives, for example, being a young student, or being a young person deprived of your freedom.

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Before this I would like to make a call to destroy the prejudices we have regarding young people who break the law, and begin to reflect on the life that our society is giving them


Bidart, C. (2006). Crises, décisions et temporalités: autour des bifurcations biographiques. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, (1), 29-57.

Mettifogo, D., & Sepúlveda, R. (2005). Trayectorias de vida de jóvenes infractores de ley. Centro de Estudios en Seguridad Ciudadana.
Viscardi, N. (2007). Trayectorias delictivas y rehabilitación: caminos laberínticos de la configuración de futuro en jóvenes infractores. El Uruguay desde la Sociología iv, ds-fcs-udelar, Montevideo, 293-325.

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

Diplomado en mediación cultural, y de desarrollo de públicos

In some years more I would like to study a posgraduate course called “Diplomado en mediación cultural y desarrollo público”. The reason why i want to enter in this study program is because I always had an interest in the problems that public organisms have to work with topics related to culture and art.

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In the program you can see diferent subject, like for example,art sociology, cultural practices, public studies, and others. All these corse give you skills for the creation of cultural intervention proposals.

It is importan say that cultural mediation makes it posible to democratize culture, that is, it seeks to bring culture to as people as posible. This is my motivation to study this course, becasuse i thik that the policy culture in Chile are very bad in relation to the number of people who Benefit.   

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The course is given in the “instituto de la comunicación e imagen” (ICEI). This faculty is part of the university of Chile.The exact location is in Ñuñoa, a place that located in the city of Santiago of Chile.

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Finally, I would like to study this course in a part time way, because while studying, i have the opootunit to work to pay the cost of these studies. In this sense, I would not have to go into debt to study. This is not a minor problem. Today many Young people are indebted becasue they can´t finance their higher education

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018

Social Research

In the Future I wolud like to work doing social research. I Imagine this job like a Challenging activity, because for doing that is necesary many skills, like for example, the good use of social research methodologies, or interacting with institutions, and the comunity for get permissions.

This Jobs could be done in indoors and Outddoors. On one side, The planning of the investigation, and the theoretical reflection of the problema in question can be done in a office with other professionals, like sociologists, antropologists, and others. On the other hand, for generate knowlege is necesary come to the place where the problem exist. In this sense, to doing interviews or field obervations I need to go to space where the actors involved live.

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I dont know how much money I wolud win for doing this job. The only things that I Know is that job can be done in the university, or in the “Fondecyt´s proyects” -in the case of Chile-. In this last option, the state of Chile give a certain sum of money that must be distributed among profesionales that are part of the Project.

I thiking to do social research is necesary takin courses of social research methodologies. In this major´s you can learn the main techniques to generate knowledge, and the way to analyze it once produced.

Finally, I think this Job is very importan, because to have information about the social problems it allows take accions that improve the situación in question. 

Resultado de imagen para binoculares ilustración


viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Another Earth

brit marling film GIF by Tech Noir

Another Earth is a drama and science fiction film what is it about the discovery of a planet equal to the earth. This not only have to same seas, river, fields, hills, city's, etc, but also in his land live the same people that exist in the earth. In the midle of this scientific events, The authorities decide to hold contests to travel to the Another Earth. People who want to participate must write a letter with the reasons for their trip, the best of these will win the ticket.This possibility draws the attention of Rhoda, a a young woman who hopes to escape the mistake that marked her life.

i like this movie, because shows us in an original way what it means to load the mistakes of the past, and and the hope that these have not happened in another life, in Other planet.

My favorite scene is a one where both protagonists meet for the that comes out of a handsaw. In this, the feelings that arise become stronger than the past that unites them. What I like most about this line is that Rhoda decides to face one of the people who hurt. For this she decides to be part of her life in an unusual way.

On the other hand, in reference to the credits, the cast was Brit Marling, William Mapother, Jordan Baker, Flint Beverage, Robin Taylor, Kumar Pallana, and the direction and photography was in charge of Mike Cahill.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


when i think about social medias I have mixted emotions, because on one side I never know how should be in them, for example, I never make public my thougths or published pics in my facebook. In fact, for many years I dont haved facebook, Instagram or any social media. But, on the other hand, I think the social medias is a space for comunications between people who do not have the opportunity to see each other often.

For this reason chose a one social media like favorite for me is dificult. Anyways I have one; Soundcloud. In this media you can do many things, like, listening a new music from people over the world, tell other useres your opinion about the songs, or public your own material (I never do that. lol).

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This social media is so woundeful for me. Every day when I check in I find many beuty songs and persons whit interest ideas about music. One of thigs that I most precius of soundcloud is how save the work of the indi musicians. This is a polict act, because this social media escape of the power of the biggest music companys like sony or universal.

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